Students Shine at Summer Colloquium on Numerical Techniques for Global Atmospheric Models
The 2008 National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Advanced Study Program (ASP) summer colloquium on Numerical Techniques for Global Atmospheric Models was held in Boulder June 1-13, 2008. Latest developments in petascale-ready numerical methods for Atmospheric General Circulation Models were surveyed. The agenda included an unprecedented student-run dynamical core inter-comparison project, attended by close to 40 graduate students. The students were exposed to the key ideas in atmospheric science and mathematics that will be used to build the next generation of atmospheric model dynamical cores. Eleven modeling groups, including those from international modeling centers, collaborated in the development of a suite of standardized test cases focused on the key capabilities needed for these models. The students also obtained hands-on experience with NCAR’s Bluevista supercomputer. Working with the modeling groups, they performed all the simulations on Bluevista and conducted analysis and visualization of the results. Organizers of this year’s colloquium included DOE-sponsored researchers Christiane Jablonowksi from University of Michigan and Mark Taylor from Sandia National Laboratory.