
Selection Results from DOE’s Global Change Education Program


The review panel for the BER-funded Global Change Education Program (GCEP) met March 4-6, 2002, to evaluate applications for the GCEP Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE), and the Graduate Research Environmental Fellowships (GREF). The 2002 program will fund up to 22 SURE students and 26 GREF fellows. Thirteen of the new SURE applicants were deemed fully-qualified, and ten were selected. All 12 SURE renewal applications requesting support for a second summer were approved. Of 22 new GREF applicants, all were deemed fully-qualified, and six were selected, including two former SURE students. All six GREF extension applications, for support to complete the graduate thesis, were approved. All 14 GREF renewal applications were approved. Approximately two-thirds of the SURE and GREF students selected are female.

An orientation will be held for GCEP students in early June, at the University of Florida. Students will then travel to their summer research assignments to work with their mentors at various DOE facilities and host institutions of NIGEC (National Institute for Global Environmental Change), which is funded by BER. An end-of-summer workshop will be held at Argonne National Laboratory in late August, where GCEP students will present the results of their research.