Prestigious Award Given to SLAC Scientist
The International X-ray Absorption Society (IXAS) announced its 2009 Awards for achievement in the field of XAFS (x-ray absorption fine structure). Professor Britt Hedman, a member of the SLAC Photon Science faculty and Deputy Director of SSRL, was named as co-recipient of the IXAS Outstanding Achievement Award. The Award is shared with Professor Frank de Groot, Utrecht University, Netherlands. This is the highest award of the International XAFS Society and is given every three years for outstanding accomplishments across all x-ray absorption spectroscopy disciplinary areas, including experimental and theoretical studies. The award, formally named the IXAS Edward Stern Outstanding Achievement Award, recognizes the contributions of Dr. Hedman in the development of technology and methodologies for low- and hard- energy XAFS and extensive applications to the study of metalloprotein active sites. Dr. Hedman’s research has been carried out primarily at SSRL, within its Structural Molecular Biology program, which is funded by DOE-BER and NIH-National Center for Research Resources.