
New Solicitations Issued by the BER’s Environmental Remediation Science Division (ERSD)


The ERSD has issued 2 solicitations calling for research on the fate and transport of DOE-relevant contaminant metals and radionuclides in the subsurface. The first solicitation, the Environmental Remediation Science Program (ERSP) represents the merger of the previous NABIR and EMSP programs and will focus on understanding the biogeochemical factors controlling the transport behavior of contaminants in the subsurface in order to develop novel remediation concepts and/or address long term stewardship concerns. The second solicitation, the ERSP-Integrated Field-Scale Subsurface Research Challenge will enable large, multi-disciplinary teams of researchers to resolve key gaps in the understanding of subsurface contaminant transport at the field scale at a DOE site. The two solicitations compliment each other and provide a programmatic mechanism whereby laboratory-derived, molecular scale mechanisms controlling subsurface contaminant transport can be evaluated not only at intermediate scales and but also at the field scale under in situ conditions at a DOE site.