
New Genomic Resource In Press


Before large DNA molecules can be sequenced, they are cut into small pieces and expanded, or cloned, into large numbers of copies using microbial-based ‘cloning’ vectors. The most commonly used vector for the initial amplification of DNA prior to sequencing is the Bacterial Artificial Chromosome, or BAC, initially developed by Mel Simon at Cal Tech with DOE funds. BACs have had many high profile uses from the isolation of human breast cancer genes to the sequencing of the human genome. A new two volume set of Methods in Molecular Biology gathers methods and protocols for diverse BAC applications. Edited by Shaying Zhao, of The Institute for Genomic Research, and Marvin Stodolsky, of the Office of Science, these volumes will be a valuable reference as BACs continue to be extensively used in genomic research. A summary of past developments and uses of BACs can be found in the preface to these volumes.