National Awards in Analytical Chemistry to Biological & Environmental Research Scientists
The American Chemical Society (ACS) Division of Analytical Chemistry has announced the recipients of its 2003 awards. J. Michael Ramsey, head of the Laser Spectroscopy and Microinstrumentation Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, will receive the Award in Chemical Instrumentation, sponsored by the Dow Chemical Company Foundation, for his accomplishments in microfabricated instrumentation for chemical measurements, detection of single atoms, and characterization of aerosol particles. Norman Dovichi, Endowed Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Washington, will receive the Award in Spectrochemical Analysis for his contributions to ultrasensitive spectrochemical detection of single molecules, capillary array DNA sequencing and single cell protein fingerprinting. Dr. Ramsey’s research is supported in part by the Environmental Management Science Program in the Office of Biological & Environmental Research (BER) and Dr. Dovichi by the BER Genomes to Life Program. The awards include a stipend of $4000 and will be presented at the ACS National Meeting in New York in September.