
Journal of Climate Special Issue Documents Features of and Results From Community Climate System Model (CCSM).


The (CCSM) is a national community-wide climate modeling project, based at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. Primary support for the project is provided by NSF and DOE with additional support from NASA and NOAA. The June 2006 special issue of the Journal of Climate is devoted entirely to results from version 3 of the model referred to as CCSM3. The special issue includes an introductory paper followed by 25 additional papers documenting many aspects of the atmosphere, ocean, land and sea ice components of the model, and the fully coupled model. The CCSM3 has been applied to a variety of scientific studies and many modeling experiments using the CCSM3 have been run in support of the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The model runs from those experiments are available to the climate science community at the websites linked below.

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Collins, William D., et al. 2006. “The Community Climate System Model Version 3 (CCSM3),” Journal of Climate 19(11), 2122–43. (http://www.jstor.org/stable/26259025).