Improved East Asian Summer Monsoon in a Global Climate Model
The Asian summer monsoon plays an important role in global climate variability. DOE Atmospheric System Research (ASR) scientists have improved the ability to predict East Asian summer monsoons by improving the representation of deep cloud formations and their interactions with the environment in a global climate model. The improvements are based on the relationship between atmospheric destabilization and cloud stabilization, DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility data, and long-term high resolution cloud model simulations, including information on how the atmosphere is destabilized, how the model triggers deep clouds, how updrafts associated with clouds impact the environment, and how environmental air impacts clouds. The improved climate model was able to reproduce many key features in the Asian summer monsoon system.
Chen H., T. Zhou, R. B. Neale, X. Wu, G. Zhang, 2010: Performance of the New NCAR CAM3.5 Model in East Asian Summer Monsoon Simulations: Sensitivity to Modifications of the Convection Scheme. Journal of Climate, 23.