
Genetic Engineering News Highlights Microbial Genome Gateway Site


The April 15, 2002, issue of Genetic Engineering News (GEN) has spotlighted, with high praise, the BER-supported (Biological and Environmental Research) ORNL-maintained (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Microbial Genome Gateway website microbialgenomics.energy.gov. GEN notes that this site “will make you sit up and smell the coffee, however, with an extensive collection of links to both [microbial sequencing] projects underway and completed.” GEN goes on to note that “The site is more than just a collection of sequences, however, with sections devoted to education, links, images, and program descriptions.” The review notes the “excellent coverage of topic” and the complete absence of weak points. This site is part of the BER Microbial Genome Program that focuses on sequencing genomes of, and supporting biological research into, microbes of mission interest to the Department of Energy, i.e. capable of cleaning up legacy wastes, fixing carbon dioxide, and producing biofuels.