FASEB FY 2002 Consensus Conference on U.S. Biomedical Research to Meet
On December 6, the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) will hold its annual meeting to discuss and make funding and research priority recommendations on behalf of biomedical research in the U.S. Each Federal agency that supports biomedical research is represented by a subcommittee comprised of members from FASEB member societies. FASEB publishes their recommendations to coincide with the President’s budget submission to Congress and the FASEB director generally meets with key members of Congress to discuss the report. Last year’s report is available on the web. At this year’s FASEB conference, Dr. Mina Bissell, Director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Life Sciences Division, is chairing the DOE subcommittee. Dr. David Thomassen, SC-72, will represent DOE as an advisor to the subcommittee.