
DOE Sponsored International Workshop Accelerates Climate Research Integration


A workshop sponsored by BER’s Integrated Assessment Research Program held from July 27th – August 7th in Snowmass, CO, has improved climate research integration spanning the Integrated Assessment (IA); Impacts Adaptation, and Vulnerability; and Earth System Modeling communities.  Collaborations have been identified to advance IA modeling in: urban and infrastructure impacts, adaptations and vulnerabilities; transformational science-driven energy innovations; and emergent properties of renewable energy options at possible scales of future deployment.  Groundwork was also established for creation of a set of socio-economic scenarios that can underpin a new generation of modeling research in human-earth systems interactions as well as the next round of studies for the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPPC).  Participants included Co-chairs of Working Groups II and III for the IPCC, Chair of NAS’ America’s Climate Choices, and leaders of the major U.S. and international IA modeling teams.