DOE Scientist Briefs Congressional Staff on Biofuels Sustainability
Professor Wally Tyner, Purdue University, was one of three speakers in a luncheon briefing August 1 in the Senate Hart Office Building sponsored by the American Chemical Society and co-sponsored by Senator Lugar s Office. Professor Tyner, spoke on Major Issues in Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions Due to Land Use Changes Induced by Biofuels. He described improvements needed to models that estimate the emission of greenhouse gases and the need for better input data for those models. He also emphasized the importance of being able to better model technical change. Michael Wang, Argonne National Laboratory, and Brent Yacobucci, Congressional Research Service, were the other two speakers. Approximately 75 Congressional staffers and others attended. Tyner is part of a group of recently funded Ethical, Legal, and Societal Implications grantees looking at bioenergy sustainability issues as part of the Genomics:GTL Program.