DOE Researchers Contribute to New NRC Report on Potential Impact of High-End Computing
The National Academy recently completed a report at the request of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) program within the Office of Science and Technology of the President. NITRD coordinates federal investments in networking and information technology. DOE-sponsored researchers Phil Colella and David Erickson III were part of the 16-member Committee tasked to review important scientific questions and technological problems identified for four illustrative fields: Astrophysics, Atmospheric Sciences, Evolutionary Biology, and Chemical Separations. The Committee identified a subset of those important questions and problems for which an extraordinary advancement in understanding is difficult or impossible without high-end capability computing. The impacts on progress, ramification of postponing the use of high-end computing power in order to capitalize on the decreasing cost of computing over time, identification of numerical and algorithmic characteristics of the high-end capability computing requirements, are also addressed.
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The Potential Impact of High-End Capability Computing on four illustrative fields of Science and Engineering. Committee on the Potential Impact of High-End Computing on Illustrative Fields of Science and Engineering. Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences and Division on Earth and Life Sciences. National Research Council of the National Academies. The National Academies Press (2008).