
DOE Human Genome Web Site Praised (Again) by Genetic Engineering News


“I have long marveled at the superb Web pages coming out of the Oak Ridge National Laboratories and have come to the conclusion that if we clone anyone, we should start with the people responsible for the excellent Web pages at this site.” So says Kevin Ahern about the Human Genome Project Information: Links to the Genetic World site in the latest “On the Web” survey of top biotechnology-related web sites in the January 15, 2003, issue of Genetic Engineering News. Ahern goes on to say that “&Links to the Genetic World does as good a job of covering the field for researchers as any site I’ve seen. That is no small accomplishment.” This is not the first time the Human Genome Project Information site has garnered praise from Genetic Engineering News and reflects the continuing dedication and hard work of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Human Genome Project Management Information staff, headed by Betty Mansfield, to posting and maintaining a quality site for Human (and other) Genome Project information for all to access.