DOE Climate Researcher Elected AAAS Fellow
AAAS, the world’s largest general scientific body, gives the distinction of Fellow to members who have made exceptional efforts to advance science or its applications. DOE-sponsored researcher Ruby Leung of PNNL, will be recognized in February 2009 at the Fellows Forum during the AAAS national meeting in Chicago. Leung is being honored “for outstanding contributions to the development and application of regional climate models.” Leung is known for modeling regional and global climate processes, integrating land and atmosphere models, and increasing the understanding of abrupt climate change. In collaboration with organizations such as the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the National Climate Center of the China Meteorological Administration, Leung is developing a next-generation regional climate model that will help transform the world’s ability to predict climate change and its impacts. Her research on climate change impacts has been featured in Science, Popular Science, Wall Street Journal, National Public Radio, and many other major news outlets.