
Department of Energy (DOE) Scientists Rank Among Highly Cited Researchers in Environmental Studies


The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) has released its January 2003 list of 247 highly cited researchers whose work has formed or changed the course of research in the environmental sciences (http://www.highlycited.com/). This prestigious list is international in scope and includes nine researchers, within academia or the DOE laboratories, who are currently supported by research programs in the Environmental Remediation Sciences Division within the Office of Biological and Environmental Research. ISI uses its extensive citation indices to track and assess the influence of researchers papers on the scientific community. Its recognition of these scientists and engineers indicates the impact of DOE supported research on environmental science and environmental remediation.

Highly cited DOE laboratory investigators include:

  • Dr. John Zachara, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Dr. Philip Jardine, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Highly cited university investigators include:

  • Dr. James Tiedje, Michigan State University
  • Dr. Linda Abriola, University of Michigan
  • Dr. Jean-Marc Bollag, Pennsylvania State University
  • Dr. John McCarthy, University of Tennessee,
  • Dr. Peter Kitanidis, Stanford University
  • Perry McCarty , Stanford University
  • Walter Weber, University of Michigan

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