Chief Computational Scientist of Climate End Station at Oak Ridge National Laboratory Interviewed by HPCwire
Dr. John Drake, Chief Computational Scientist for the Climate End Station at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Principal Investigator on a DOE Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing Project (SciDAC) on Climate Modeling, was recently interviewed by HPCwire about petascale computing in advanced climate research and future associated climate change assessments, e.g. the 2013 IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). Dr. Drake discussed the need to include new physical science effects like ice sheet dynamics as well as biogeochemical processes and emphasized the critical importance of petascale computing to allow ultra-high resolution simulations to the order of fractions of a degree in angular scales (1-10 kilometers). The Climate End Station received a prestigious DOE INCITE (Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment) award in 2008 for computing time.