BER Support of International Modeling
BER scientists are actively involved in several large projects being conducted by the international climate modeling community. They are offering expertise and Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility data support or leading sub-projects to demonstrate the value of ARM data in understanding climate errors. DOE scientists Steve Klein and Shaocheng Xie of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are supporting three international projects: 1) Data have been provided to the Cloud-Feedback Model Intercomparison Project (CFMIP), for which Klein is a steering committee member. 2) ARM data and the ASR/Climate Modeling funded testbed are supporting the Transpose AMIP project (endorsed by the WMO Working Group on Numerical Experiments (WGNE) and Working Group on Coupled Models (WGCM). 3) A special ARM dataset is being developed for the international Year of Tropical Convection project.