
BER Scientists Receives Fulbright Senior Research Award


Dr. Kenneth E. Hammel, research chemist at the U.S. Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, and an associate professor in the Department of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, has been named recipient of a Fulbright Senior Research Award by the German-American Fulbright Program. Dr. Hammel is supported by BER for imaging studies of the mechanisms used by lignin-degrading fungi, a process directly relevant to the processing of feedstocks into a chemical form that can be more easily converted into biofuels. His award allows him to do research that focuses on newly discovered fungal enzymes that have an important role in carbon cycling in forest soils but he will continue to supervise studies for BER. He will be working with Professor Martin Hofrichter at the International Graduate School in Zittau, Germany.